
2024 Sashti Date & Time 2023-24 | Bengali Calendar 1430

Hindu Sashti or Hindu Shashthi or षष्ठी usually refers to the worship and celebration of Goddess Shashthi, which is celebrated by Hindus. Shashthi is a form of the divine femininity, often associated with the protection and well-being of children. The worship of Shashthi is especially important for mothers who wish for the well-being and safety of their children.

Sashti Date & Time
The observance of Hindu Shashthi involves various rituals and devotional practices. Devotees pray, perform rituals and offer fruits, flowers, lamps and other symbolic objects to seek the blessings of Goddess Shashthi. Worship may also include singing devotional songs, reciting hymns, and performing traditional dances.

The purpose of Hindu Shashthi is to seek divine blessings for health, longevity, intelligence, strength, prosperity and overall well-being of children. Mothers and families often celebrate this festival with great devotion and dedication.

It is important to note that the specific rituals and customs associated with Hindu Shashthi may vary across different regions and communities. The festival is an occasion for spiritual contemplation, family bonding and expressing gratitude for the gift of children in Hindu culture.

2024 Sashti Date & Time | Bengali Year 1430

Chaitra / চৈত্র (16 March to 14 April 2023)

  •  12 Chaitra - Ashok (27 March Monday): 07:43 PM
  •  12 Chaitra - Scondo Sashti (27 March Monday): 07:43 PM

Baisakh / বৈশাখ (15 April to 15 May)

12 Baisakh, Chandan Sashti (26 April Wednesday): upto 11:25 AM

Jyeshtha / জ্যৈষ্ঠ (16 May to 15 June)

10 Jyeshtha,  Jamai Sashthi (25 May Thursday): 

Ashar / আষাঢ় (16 June to 17 July)

08 Ashar, Kumar Sashthi (24 June Saturday): at 07.04 AM


Sharaban / শ্রাবণ (18 July to 17 August)

 No Sashti Date & Time 

Vadra / ভাদ্র (18 August to 17 September)

04 Vadra, Lotan Sashti (22 August Tuesday): 06.03 PM to 07.39 PM


Aswin / আশ্বিন (18 September to 18 October) 

  • 03 Ashwin, Manthan Sashti / (21 September Thursday): upto 10:13 AM 
  • 03 Ashwin Chapra Sasthi (21 September Thursday): upto 10:13 AM 


Kartik / কার্ত্তিক (19 October to 17 November)

 02 Kartik, Sree Sree Durga Sashti (20 October Friday): upto 09.08 PM 


Agrahayan / অগ্রাহায়ন (18 November to 16 December) 

  •  0Agrahayan Pratihar Sashti (19 November Sunday): upto 07.43 AM
  • 26 Agrahayan Hari Sashti (13 December Wednesday):


Pous / পৌষ (17 December to 15 January 2023)

 01 Pous Skanda Sashti  (18 December Monday): 06.21 PM


Magh / মাঘ (16 January to 13 February 2024)

 01 Magh Annarupa Sashti  (16 January Tuesday): after 07.25 AM


Falgun / ফাল্গুন (14 February to 15 March 2024)

 02 Falgun Shital Sashti  (15 February Thursday): upto 04:09 PM 


Chaitra / চৈত্র (16 March to 14 April 2024)

  • 01 Chaitra Gorupini Sashti (15 March Friday): 03:53 PM
  • 17 Chaitra Ashok / Scondo Sashti (31 March Sunday): 05:20 PM


N.B: After midnight (24:00 hrs), next date is considered

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